20 oz. House-made oat milk, pineapple, spinach and banana. All bowls are served with grain-free, superfood granola and topped with fresh blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries.
20 Oz. Peanut Butter Junior Smoothie Bowl
20 oz. House-made oat milk, bananas, peanut butter, dates, cinnamon, and banana. All bowls are served with grain-free, superfood granola and topped with fresh blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries.
20 Oz. Chocolate Smoothie Bowl
20 oz. House-made oat milk, bananas, cacao, cacao nibs, and maca. All bowls are served with grain-free, superfood granola and topped with cacao nibs, fresh blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries
Aloha Bowl
20 oz. House-made oat milk, bananas, mango, and blue spirulina. All bowls are served with grain-free, superfood granola and topped with fresh blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries.
Superfood Smoothies
16 Oz. Blue Rose Smoothie
Blue majik spirulina algae, E3live, rosewater, maca root powder, banana, milk of your choice
16 Oz. Crystal Almond Joy Smoothie
Green smoothie. Spinach, coconut shreds, almond butter and bananas, house made oat milk
16 Oz. Daily Green Smoothie
Green smoothie. Spinach, pineapple bananas, and coconut water.
16 Oz. Margaux Mango Superfood Smoothie
Mango, bee pollen, lemon, orange juice, turmeric, black pepper, and banana.
16 Oz. Pina Colada Smoothie
Green smoothie. Spinach, pineapples, coconut creme, bananas, and coconut milk
16 Oz. Ringo Starr Smoothie
Green smoothie. Spinach, bananas, blueberries and peanut butter, and house made oat milk.
16 Oz. Jerry Berry Superfood Smoothie
Blueberry, dates, pineapple, flax, bananas, blue majik, ginger, and house made oat milk