Bar 7 Crawley Menu

7 Pegler Way, Crawley, RH11 7AG
  • Spirits

    • Gordon's Gin (25ml - Single)

      Gordon's Gin is a triple-distilled gin known for its classic juniper-forward taste, combined with an assortment of other botanicals including coriander seeds, angelica root, licorice, orris root, and lemon peel. This recipe has remained a closely guarded secret since 1769. In the UK, Gordon's Gin is marketed at 37.5% ABV, ensuring a strong yet smooth gin experience with every sip​
    • Gordon's Gin (50ml - Double)

      Gordon's Gin is a triple-distilled gin known for its classic juniper-forward taste, combined with an assortment of other botanicals including coriander seeds, angelica root, licorice, orris root, and lemon peel. This recipe has remained a closely guarded secret since 1769. In the UK, Gordon's Gin is marketed at 37.5% ABV, ensuring a strong yet smooth gin experience with every sip​
    • Gordon's Pink Gin (25ml - Single)

      Gordon's Pink Gin, on the other hand, is a more modern twist on the traditional gin, inspired by an original recipe from the 1880s. It's a sweetened gin that blends the classic juniper taste of Gordon's with the natural sweetness of raspberries and strawberries, along with the tang of redcurrant, offering a refreshingly fruity flavour. The pink gin's vibrant colour and berry flavour make it a delightful choice for a summer drink, adding a playful touch to the classic gin and tonic​
    • Gordon's Pink Gin (50ml - Double)

      Gordon's Pink Gin, on the other hand, is a more modern twist on the traditional gin, inspired by an original recipe from the 1880s. It's a sweetened gin that blends the classic juniper taste of Gordon's with the natural sweetness of raspberries and strawberries, along with the tang of redcurrant, offering a refreshingly fruity flavour. The pink gin's vibrant colour and berry flavour make it a delightful choice for a summer drink, adding a playful touch to the classic gin and tonic​
    • Smirnoff Vodka Red Label (25ml - Single)

      Smirnoff is a world-renowned vodka brand that prides itself on its corn-based origins. Celebrated for its crisp taste and smooth finish, Smirnoff vodka is distilled from wheat, offering a mild sweetness that pairs beautifully with a range of mixers. With its roots tracing back to 1864 Russia, Smirnoff was once the preferred vodka of the Russian royal family and is now produced by British company Diageo
    • Smirnoff Vodka Red Label (50ml - Double)

      Smirnoff is a world-renowned vodka brand that prides itself on its corn-based origins. Celebrated for its crisp taste and smooth finish, Smirnoff vodka is distilled from wheat, offering a mild sweetness that pairs beautifully with a range of mixers. With its roots tracing back to 1864 Russia, Smirnoff was once the preferred vodka of the Russian royal family and is now produced by British company Diageo
    • SKYY Vodka (25ml - Single)

      SKYY Vodka is an American spirit known for its pioneering distillation process and commitment to quality. Using American grains and water, SKYY undergoes a proprietary quadruple-column distillation and triple-filtering to achieve its gentle, full taste. With a fresh and clean aroma, the vodka delivers a smooth palate with a subtle salinity, making it ideal for classic drinks like vodka soda
    • SKYY Vodka (50ml - Double)

      SKYY Vodka is an American spirit known for its pioneering distillation process and commitment to quality. Using American grains and water, SKYY undergoes a proprietary quadruple-column distillation and triple-filtering to achieve its gentle, full taste. With a fresh and clean aroma, the vodka delivers a smooth palate with a subtle salinity, making it ideal for classic drinks like vodka soda
    • Bombay Gin (25ml - Single)

      Bombay Gin, with its storied past dating back to 1761, is a celebrated London dry gin. Known for its vapor-infusion process, Bombay Sapphire is infused with a hand-selected bouquet of botanicals, delivering a tantalizingly smooth and complex taste. This premium gin serves as an excellent base for creative cocktails due to its balanced flavour profile, which isn't overwhelmingly flavored and thus mixes well in a variety of gin-based drinks
    • Bombay Gin (50ml - Double)

      Bombay Gin, with its storied past dating back to 1761, is a celebrated London dry gin. Known for its vapor-infusion process, Bombay Sapphire is infused with a hand-selected bouquet of botanicals, delivering a tantalizingly smooth and complex taste. This premium gin serves as an excellent base for creative cocktails due to its balanced flavour profile, which isn't overwhelmingly flavored and thus mixes well in a variety of gin-based drinks​
    • Cognac (25ml - Single)

      A rich, full-bodied spirit aged in oak barrels with notes of fruit, spice, and a hint of vanilla.
    • Cognac (50ml - Double)

      A rich, full-bodied spirit aged in oak barrels with notes of fruit, spice, and a hint of vanilla.
    • Southern Comfort (25ml - Single)

      A whiskey-flavoured liqueur with fruity and spicy notes, great for sipping or in a Southern-style cocktail.
    • Southern Comfort (50ml - Double)

      A whiskey-flavoured liqueur with fruity and spicy notes, great for sipping or in a Southern-style cocktail.
    • Captain Morgan's Dark Rum (25ml - Single)

      Aged in charred oak barrels, this rum has a deep, caramel sweetness and a warm, spicy finish.
    • Captain Morgan's Dark Rum (50ml - Double)

      Aged in charred oak barrels, this rum has a deep, caramel sweetness and a warm, spicy finish.
    • Disaronno Amaretto (25ml - Single)

      A sweet and smooth Italian liqueur with a distinctive almond flavour, versatile in a range of cocktails.
    • Disaronno Amaretto (50ml - Double)

      A sweet and smooth Italian liqueur with a distinctive almond flavour, versatile in a range of cocktails.
    • Archers (25ml - Single)

      A peach schnapps that's delightfully sweet and fragrant, perfect for a fruity cocktail or as a mixer.
    • Archers (50ml - Double)

      A peach schnapps that's delightfully sweet and fragrant, perfect for a fruity cocktail or as a mixer.
    • Famous Grouse (25ml - Single)

    • Famous Grouse (50ml - Double)

      A blended Scotch whisky known for its smooth, well-rounded flavour with hints of dried fruit and soft smoky notes.
    • Baileys Irish Cream (50ml - Double)

      A creamy liqueur combining Irish whiskey and dairy cream, with hints of cocoa and vanilla.
    • Smirnoff Mango & Passionfruit Twist (25ml - Single)

      Smirnoff Mango & Passionfruit Twist offers a tropical escape with each sip, blending the luscious flavors of ripe mango with the tangy zest of passionfruit. This flavored vodka is perfect for creating exotic cocktails that transport you to a sun-soaked beach with its succulent and juicy taste profile.
    • Smirnoff Mango & Passionfruit Twist (50ml - Double)

      Smirnoff Mango & Passionfruit Twist offers a tropical escape with each sip, blending the luscious flavors of ripe mango with the tangy zest of passionfruit. This flavored vodka is perfect for creating exotic cocktails that transport you to a sun-soaked beach with its succulent and juicy taste profile.
    • Smirnoff Raspberry Crush (25ml - Single)

      Smirnoff Raspberry Crush is a natural raspberry-flavored vodka that captures the essence of fresh, ripe raspberries. Its deliciously juicy taste makes it an excellent base for a variety of refreshing cocktails, from raspberry martinis to fruity punches that are ideal for enjoying on those warm, festive nights.
    • Smirnoff Raspberry Crush (50ml - Double)

      Smirnoff Raspberry Crush is a natural raspberry-flavored vodka that captures the essence of fresh, ripe raspberries. Its deliciously juicy taste makes it an excellent base for a variety of refreshing cocktails, from raspberry martinis to fruity punches that are ideal for enjoying on those warm, festive nights.
  • Mixers

    • Coke Zero (Splash)

      Coke Zero offers a bold and refreshing cola experience, perfect for pairing with your favorite spirit at Bar 7 Crawley. It delivers the classic Coca-Cola taste with zero sugar and zero calories, making it an excellent choice for those looking to enjoy the full flavor of their mixed drink without the added sweetness. Ideal for a guilt-free mixer that doesn't compromise on taste, Coke Zero can be the foundation of a great night out.
    • Diet Coke (Splash)

      Diet Coke brings a lighter, yet equally satisfying option for spirit mixers at Bar 7 Crawley. With no sugar and a lighter taste than the original Coca-Cola, it's a go-to for calorie-conscious patrons who still crave that distinct, crisp cola flavor to complement their chosen spirit. Its versatility makes it a staple for classic mixed drinks, offering a bubbly lift without overpowering the main ingredient. Enjoy your spirits mixed with Diet Coke for a balanced, guilt-free indulgence.
    • Lemonade (Splash)

      Lemonade at Bar 7 Crawley offers a refreshingly sweet and tangy mixer that pairs beautifully with a variety of spirits. Its bright citrus notes cut through the richness of darker spirits and enhance the crispness of lighter ones, making it a versatile choice for a range of cocktails. Whether you're in the mood for a zesty gin fizz or a smooth vodka lemonade, this classic mixer is sure to add a lively twist to your drink with its bubbly effervescence and clean, lemony finish.
    • Red Bull (250ml - Can)

      Red Bull energises any spirit at Bar 7 Crawley, offering a mixer that's known for its invigorating effects. Its sweet and tart flavour profile, combined with a caffeine kick, provides a unique way to lift the experience of your favourite spirits. Mix Red Bull with vodka for a classic energy-fueled cocktail or use it to invent new drink combinations that are sure to keep the party going. It's not just a mixer; it's a way to give your night an extra boost.
    • Orange Juice (Splash)

      Orange Juice is a bright and zesty mixer that brings a sunny burst of citrus to any spirit at Bar 7 Crawley. Its natural sweetness and tanginess make it a crowd-pleaser, perfect for softening and complementing the robust flavours of spirits like vodka and rum. Whether you're shaking up a brunchtime mimosa or stirring a smooth, sunset-inspired screwdriver, orange juice is a versatile mixer that adds a healthy dose of vitamin C and a cheerful splash of colour to your beverage.
    • Cranberry Juice (Splash)

      Cranberry Juice offers a tart and tangy mixer option at Bar 7 Crawley, perfect for balancing the strong profiles of various spirits. Its bold, sharp flavour cuts through and complements the richness of dark spirits and adds a vibrant layer to clear ones. Mixing cranberry juice with vodka creates the classic cosmopolitan, while pairing it with rum can give a tropical twist to your drink. It’s not only a mixer that brings a vivid hue and refreshing taste to your glass but also one that can be a base for both sophisticated and simple cocktails.
  • Bottle Beers

    • Budweiser (330ml Bottled Drinks)

      American-style lager, crisp, flavorful, and medium-bodied is Budweiser. Since its founding in 1876, Budweiser has grown to rank among the most popular beers in the US. Enjoyable all year round, this lager is brewed with premium hop types and the best barley malt.
    • Corona Extra Premium (330ml Bottled Drinks)

      Corona Extra is a light lager from Mexico that is truly pleasant. Crafted with a unique blend of malted barley, filtered water, corn, hops and yeast, this beer has a distinctive golden appearance and a delightfully tart flavour that really makes it stand out. loved by boxers, basketball athletes, football players, and even the drivers from the Fast & Furious movie franchise.
    • Desperados Tequila Beer (330ml Bottled Drinks)

      The first beer with tequila flavour in history is called Desperados. A unique blend of robust beer enhanced by a hint of tequila flavour. a crisp, delicate flavour profile with hints of lemon and spice to complement the sweetness.
    • San Miguel Especial Alcohol Free (330ml Bottled Drinks)

      Imported from Spain, San Miguel 0,0% is an alcohol-free lager in the style of pilsner. Standard beer components are used in the brewing process, but the mashing parameters are changed to produce fewer fermentable sugars, which reduces the amount of alcohol produced. San Miguel 0% alcohol-free lager beer has a golden hue, scents of herbs, flowers, and cereal, and a hoppy, grainy flavour with a modest amount of sweetness and bitterness. Serve cold, between 2 and 4 degrees Celsius, in bottles, or poured into a San Miguel chalice, whose distinctive form is intended to channel the scent and produce and hold a flawless head. Bottles of San Miguel 0,0% go nicely with light meals like salads or grilled chicken. 2015 World Beer Awards winner of Best Spanish Alcohol-Free Beer.
    • Brewdog Punk IPA India Pale Ale (330ml Bottled Drinks)

      A transatlantic fusion Indian Pale Ale produced with American and New Zealand hops is called Punk IPA. This contemporary IPA tastes full-bodied and refreshing with notes of mild caramel and tropical fruits. You will want more after just one taste of this IPA, so much so that you will give society the finger in order to obtain another one.
  • Draft Beers

    • Carlsberg Draft Beer (1 Pint)

      The stylish Carlsberg Export is a premium strength lager with a refined and satisfying taste. Brewed to the original Danish recipe, it has deep malty notes and a distinct bitterness that generate a full flavoured beer.
    • Poretti Draft Beer (1 Pint)

      Our founder, Angelo Poretti, founded the Birrificio Angelo Poretti brewery in Valganna, Northern Italy, in the foothills of the Campo dei Fiori mountain range, in 1877. Our beer is made using a classic Italian formula that produces a full-flavored lager with a strong hops bitterness. This flavour profile is recognisable to the Italian "aperitivo" culture, which uses bitter beverages to pique the appetite and start a meal.
  • Snacks

    • Popcorn

      Pop over to Bar 7 Crawley for a popcorn treat with a twist! Our gourmet popcorn is a symphony of crunchy goodness, ready to be drizzled with your choice from our wide selection of flavourful syrups. Whether you're craving something sweet, salty, or adventurously flavoured, we have the perfect syrup to match your mood. Each fluffy kernel is a canvas for your taste buds, transforming the classic snack into a delightful, customisable indulgence. Perfect for nibbling as you sip on our signature cocktails or while enjoying the vibrant atmosphere of Bar 7. Get ready to shake up your snack game!
    • Selection Of Crisps

      Indulge in our ever-changing selection of hand-cooked British crisps, a perfect snack to complement your favourite drink. Currently, our lineup includes the robust, cheesy delight of Mature Cheddar & Onion and the classic simplicity of Lightly Sea Salted. Each crisp is a crunchy testament to British snacking traditions, prepared with care to ensure maximum flavour. Whether you're a fan of bold tastes or prefer the understated, our crisp selection is sure to have something that'll crunch just right with your pint or cocktail. Keep an eye out for new flavours as we update our offerings!
  • Shots

    • Sambuca Classic (25ml)

      Sambuca Classic is celebrated for its vibrant anise flavor, a traditional Italian liqueur often enjoyed as a digestif. This clear spirit is distilled and infused with anise, creating a distinct licorice flavor, complemented by subtle notes of elderflower, herbs, and spices for a unique taste profile​
    • Raspberry Sambuca (25ml)

      Raspberry Sambuca, like Antica Sambuca with Raspberry Flavour, offers a fruity twist to the classic liqueur. The crisp and sweet taste of raspberries blends harmoniously with the velvety sweetness of traditional Sambuca, accompanied by hints of anise. This Italian liqueur reveals a nicely fruity aroma, while the taste is velvety and harmonious, typical of raspberries with a backdrop of anise, made with the ripest Italian raspberries and premium Chinese Star anise for a deliciously fruity liqueur with a pleasant finish
    • Black Sambuca (25ml)

      Black Sambuca, like Romana Black Sambuca, is intriguingly dark in color with a rich and alluring taste profile. It is a unique blend of essences derived from Sambucus Nigra berries and star Anise, providing a complex flavor that is more nuanced than classic Sambuca. The deep purple-black liqueur has a muted flavor initially but finishes long, full-flavored, and candy-like with notes of dark herbal licorice​
    • Tequila (25ml)

      Tequila, known for its distinctive taste and aroma, is a distilled spirit made exclusively from the blue agave plant, particularly Weber's blue agave, in Mexico's Jalisco region​​. The production of tequila is a lengthy process, with blue agave plants maturing for at least six years, often up to twelve, especially those grown in the highlands which take longer to reach maturity​​. It has a storied reputation, rivaled only by spirits like absinthe, and the unique taste of tequila is derived from the specific variety of agave used to produce it​
    • Sourz Apple (25ml)

      Sourz Apple is a vibrantly green liqueur known for its concentrated aroma of fresh apples and a flavor that melds the sweetness of apple with a zingy, crisp sourness​​. Launched in 1999, it has become a popular choice for shooters and is also used in cocktails due to its intense and authentic green apple flavor​​. The sweet and sour balance of Sourz Apple makes it a versatile liqueur, enjoyable on its own or when added to drinks like prosecco for a fruity twist​​. Owned and produced by Beam Suntory, Sourz Apple is part of a range that includes six different flavors, each providing a mouth-wateringly delicious taste experience, especially noted for the sweet yet tart profile of the green apple​
    • Sourz Raspberry (25ml)

      Sourz Raspberry Liqueur is a vibrant addition to the Sourz range, notable for its hot pink hue and a dynamic sweet and sour raspberry flavor. This liqueur is a modern twist on the fruity sweetness of ripe raspberries, delivering a zingy sour finish that's both refreshing and impactful​​​​​​. It's versatile enough to be enjoyed on its own, as a lively shooter to kickstart a fun night out, or added to prosecco for a delightfully fruity pink fizz​​​​​​. The distinctive character of Sourz Raspberry makes it a popular choice for those looking to enjoy a spirited and flavourful experience, whether as a standalone shot or mixed into a playful cocktail. It's a fun and flavourful way to add a burst of berry sourness to any occasion.
    • Jagermeister (25ml)

      Jägermeister is a renowned herbal liqueur from Germany, known for its complex blend of 56 different herbs, blossoms, and roots, which has been a classic since its development in 1934 by Wilhelm and Curt Mast​​​​​​. With an alcohol content of 35% by volume, it's commonly enjoyed as a cold shot, and its rich flavor profile has made it a staple in bars around the world​​. Despite its popularity as a shot, Jägermeister's intricate and herbal taste also offers a wide range of possibilities for creative cocktail making, adding depth and character to drinks. It shares more similarities with traditional Italian amaro than simpler party shots, making it a versatile ingredient for classic cocktails like the Negroni or Old Fashioned​​​​. The liqueur is celebrated for its bold, bitter flavor and is easily recognizable in any bar or liquor store. Jägermeister has a rich history and a reputation for being a potent spirit that can quickly lead to intoxication​​.

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