Antigua Guatemala Restaurant Menu

2732 24th St, San Francisco, CA 94110
  • Antojitos Guatemaltecos / Guatemalan Cravings

    • Tamal Colorado

      El auténtico tamal colorado es un sabroso tamal de masa de maíz, carne y una rica salsa de recado envuelto en grandes hojas de plátano.\n\n The authentic tamale Colorado (red) is a savory tamal made of corn dough, meat, and a rich recado sauce wrapped in large banana leaves.\n\n
    • Chuchitos

      Los chuchitos son uno de los tamales guatemaltecos más populares Son un tipo pequeño de tamal guatemalteco relleno de carne de cerdo o pollo y un recado o salsa a base de tomate y envuelto en hojas de maíz. \n\nChuchitos are one of the most popular Guatemalan tamales. They are a small type of Guatemalan tamale filled with pork or chicken and a tomatobased sauce wrapped in corn husks\n\n
    • Mixtas

      Tortilla de maíz, rellena de guacamole, repollo cocido, salchicha y la trinidad de salsas: ketchup, mayonesa y mostaza.\n\n Corn tortilla, filled with guacamole, cooked cabbage, sausage and the trinity of sauces: ketchup, mayonnaise and mustard
    • Dobladas

      Las dobladas son uno de los muchos platos tradicionales que muestran la importancia del maíz en la cultura guatemalteca. Son tortillas fritas dobladas a la mitad y pueden ser rellenas de queso con pimientos y cebola o de carne de res con vegetales. Viene acompanada de queso, repollo y salsa de tomate. \n\nThe dobladas are one of the many traditional dishes that show the importance of corn in Guatemalan culture. They are fried tortillas folded in half and can be filled with cheese with peppers and onion or beef with vegetables. It comes accompanied with cabbage and tomato sauce.\n\n
    • Elotes Locos

      Medio Elote cocido, cubierto con mayonesa, mostaza, ketchup y queso. \n\nHalf a cooked corn, covered with mayonnaise, mustard, ketchup and cheese.\n\n
    • Tacos Dorados

      Tortilla frita enrollada y rellena de una mezcla de carne de res y vegetales. Bañada de salsa de tomate, perejil, queso y cebolla.\n\n Fried tortilla rolled and filled with a mixture of beef and vegetables. Topped with tomato sauce, parsley, cheese and onion.\n\n
    • Tostadas Chapinas

      Tostadas de salsa de tomate; frijoles negros refritos o guacamole, cubiertas con rodajas de cebolla, queso y perejil.\n\n Guatemalan tostadas with tomato sauce, refried black beans, or guacamole, topped with onion slices, cheese and parsley\n\n
    • Garnachas

      El mejor ejemplo del mestizaje cultural que se produjo en la región es la tortilla tostada que es la base de la garnacha, está hecha a base de maíz.\nEstas llevan sobre la tortilla una porción de carne, aderezada con especias, salsa de tomate, queso fresco, muy del estilo mestizo, que altera lo ingredientes para hacer más delicado el sabor.\n\n\nThe best example of the cultural crossbreeding that took place in the region is the tortilla tostada, which is the base of garnacha, made from corn.\nThese have a portion of meat on top of the tortilla, seasoned with spices, tomato sauce, fresh cheese, very mestizo style, which alters the ingredients to make the flavor more delicate.
  • Caldos / Soups

    • Caldo De Gallina

      Papa, zanahoria, güisquil, apio, repollo, zamat (culandro), tomate, cebolla y especias.\n\n Potato, carrot, güisquil, celery, cabbage, zamat (culandro), tomato, onion and spices\n\n
  • Desayunos a la Antigua / Breakfast

    • La Merced

      Desayuno tradicional. Consiste en dos huevos, tres plátanos fritos, frijoles volteados o enteros, un chorizo o longaniza asada y chirmol (Cilantro, tomate asado, cebolla picada y especias) \n\nTraditional Guatemalan breakfast consists of two eggs three fried plantains blended beans/whole beans, one chorizo or roasted sausage and chirmol (Cilantro, roasted tomato, chopped onion and spices)
    • El Cerro

      Dos huevos al gusto acompañado de frijoles volteados o parados (enteros), carne adobada, queso fresco, crema, platanos fritos y chirmol.\n\n Two eggs, accompanied by beans (whole), marinated meat, fresh cheese, cream, fried plantains and chirmol.
    • Pa' Mientras

      Dos porciones de chorizo o longaniza acompañado de dos cebollines asados con chirmol y salsa picante en tortillas hechas a mano. \n\nTwo portions of Chorizo or Longaniza sausage accompanied by two grilled onions with Chirmol and Hot Sauce on a hand made tortilla.
    • Pan Con Chile Relleno

      A fluffy bread roll stuffed with a battered and fried chili pepper, filled with savory meat, crisp lettuce, and sliced onions.
    • Pan Con Todo

      Pan Frances con Huevos, Frijoles Negros, Queso Fresco, Crema y Chirmol\n\nFrench bread with eggs, black beans, queso fresco, cream and chirmol (grilled tomato with onions, cilantro, salt and black pepper)
  • Antigua Guatemala - Menú Principal

    • Pepian De Gallina

      Salsa espesa (Recado) a base de especias de tomate, semillas de ajonjolí, chiles no picantes y semillas de calabaza. es un guiso tradicional guatemalteco de origen kaqchikel del departamento de Chimaltenango.\nA thick sauce (Recado) based on tomato spices, sesame seeds, non-spicy chili peppers and pumpkin seeds. It is a traditional Guatemalan stew of Kaqchikel origin from the department of Chimaltenango.
    • Carne Asada

      Jugosa carne, asada a la parrilla accompanada de frijoles volteados, cebollines asados y guacamol. Juicy meat, grilled and served with beans, grilled scallions and guacamole.
    • Carne O Pollo Adobado

      Lomo de cerdo o pieza de pollo El adobo incluye achiote, ajo, orégano, tomillo, un poco de vinagre y pimienta. Acompañado con frijoles volteados y papas. Pork loin. The marinate includes annatto, garlic, oregano, thyme, a little bit of vinegar, and pepper. Accompanied with black refried beans and golden potatoes.
    • Plato De Chiles Rellenos

      Es un plato popular guatamalteco hecho con pimientos, rellenos de una mezcla de carne y verduras, que se sirve rociado con salsa de tomate. Puede ser picante o no picante y viene acompanado de arroz. It is a popular Guatemalan dish made with peppers, stuffed with a mixture of meat and vegetables, served drizzled with tomato sauce. It can be spicy or not spicy and comes with rice.
  • Antigua Guatemala Restaurante Menú Para Niños / Antigua Guatemala Restaurant Kid's Menu

    • Hamburguesa Con Papas / Hamburger With Fries

      A hamburger served with fries, typically includes a beef patty, lettuce, tomato, and condiments on a bun.
    • Alitas De Pollo Fritas Con Papas / Fried Chicken Wings And Fries

      Crispy fried chicken wings paired with golden fries, typically includes a side of dipping sauce.
  • Postres / Desserts

    • Rellenitos

      Un postre típico guatemalteco a base de puré de plátano y canela relleno de frijoles licuados azucarados. / A typical Guatemalan dessert made of mashed plantain and cinnamon filled with sweetened liquefied beans.
    • Plátano En Mole / Banana In Mole

      Este postre tiene sus orígenes a mediados del siglo xvi fue entonces cuando los ingredientes de dos continentes se unieron en este exquisito plato. Plátano frito, chocolate de origen maya; y ajonjolí, chiles y canela de oriente, traídos a nuestras tierras por los españoles. / This dessert has its origins in the mid-sixteenth century it was then that the ingredients of two continents were united in this exquisite dish. Fried plantain, chocolate of Mayan origin; and sesame, chiles and cinnamon from the east, brought to our lands by the Spaniards.
  • Bebidas / Beverages

    • Rosa De Jamaica / Hibiscus

      Hibiscus flower steeped in water, creating a refreshing beverage with a deep ruby color, often sweetened to balance its tartness.
    • Refrescos Botella De Vidrio - Coca-Cola, Fanta Y Jarritos / Sodas Glass Bottle - Coke, Fanta And Jarritos

      Glass bottle sodas with a choice of Coca-Cola or Fanta. Authentic Latin-American refreshment.
    • Horchata

      Creamy rice and cinnamon drink with a hint of vanilla.
    • Tamarindo

      Tangy tamarind juice made from fresh tamarind pods, offering a sweet and sour flavor.
  • Bebidas Calientes / Hot Drinks

    • Atol De Elote

      Esta bebida caliente tradicional guatemalteca se elabora con maíz dulce y se aromatiza con vainilla o canela. This hot traditional Guatemalan drink is made with sweet corn and flavored with vanilla or cinnamon.\n\n
    • Café / Coffee

      Rich, aromatic blend brewed to perfection

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