Amazing Basil & A Cup Of (Fremont) Menu

46831 Warm Springs Blvd, Fremont, CA 94539
  • Chef's Recommend

    • Papaya Salad (W/ Peanut) 青木瓜沙律 (含花生)

      Green papaya salad with thai basil & mint choice of shrimps or beef, (This item contained Peanut)\r\n\r\n##青木瓜沙拉, 可以選擇搭配鮮蝦或者牛肉 (此餐項含花生)
    • Roti Laksa 叻沙薄餅

      Roti with Homemade Laksa Sauce (Contain Peanut & Mild Spicy & Green Onion)\r\n\r\n## Roti 薄餅配自家製喇沙醬 (含花生,微辣及洋蔥)
    • Roti Curry 咖喱薄餅

      Roti with Homemade Thai Curry (Contain Coconut Milk & Green Onion)\r\n\r\n## Roti 薄餅配自家製咖喱醬 (含椰奶及洋蔥)
    • SP2 Amazing Fries (Basil Lime) SP2 炸薯條 (九層塔青檸)

      Crispy fries seasoned with basil and a hint of lime, served with a side of dipping sauce.
    • Shrimp Laksa Noodle N8. 鮮蝦喇沙

      Signature! Coconut Milk, Peanut, Laksa Soup w/ Fried Tofu, Soft-Boiled Egg, Fish ball & Shrimp (Served chopped cilantro, onions, basil & beansprouts.) \r\n\r\n## 招牌推介! 新鮮香料, 自家調製椰香花生喇沙湯底, 配溏心蛋, 魚蛋,炸豆腐及鮮蝦. (配料包含芫茜, 洋蔥, 熟芽菜, 九層塔)
    • Thai Boat Noodle N9. 泰式船粉

      Contains Shrimp, Fish Ball, Meatball, Ground Pork, Quail Egg, Cook Steak, Vietnamese Sausage with Thin Rice Noodle (Served chopped cilantro, onions, basil & beansprouts.)\r\n\r\n## 含鮮蝦, 魚蛋, 牛丸, 豬肉碎, 鵪鶉蛋, 熟牛肋眼片, 扎肉, 米粉 (配料包含芫茜, 洋蔥, 熟芽菜, 九層塔)
    • Pad Thai (W/ Peanut) 泰式炒金邊粉 (含花生)

      Signature thai style Stir-fried noodles, choice of : Tofu or Shrimp or Beef. (This item contained "Peanut" & "Egg" & "Mild Spicy") ( " Not Vegetarian" )\r\n\r\n## 泰式炒金邊粉可選配豆腐, 鮮蝦或牛肉 (此餐項含花生, 雞蛋)
    • Thai Crispy Eggplant Strips (V 泰式炸茄條

      Crispy eggplant strips drizzled with a savory sauce, seasoned with spices.
  • Appetizers

    • Crispy Shrimp Crackers (Must) 香脆炸蝦片 (必試)

      Crispy and tasty, unforgettable appetizer!\r\n\r\n## 香脆炸蝦片, 美味可口, 一試難忘!
    • Homemade Garlic Bread (Must) 即焗香脆蒜蓉包 (必點)

      Baked Crispy Garlic Bread. Must Try! (Take 10-15 min.)\r\n\r\n## 必點! 即焗香脆蒜蓉包. (需時約 10-15 分鐘)
    • Thai Chicken Skewers (4pcs) 泰式烤雞串 (4串)

      Tender and Juicy Thai Style Chicken Skewers. Highly Recommend!\r\n\r\n## 泰式雞肉串, 嫩滑美味, 必點小食!
    • House Salad A1. 沙律

      Spring Mix Salad with homemade salad dressing (Ginger, Garlic, Ginger & Sesame Oil). Contains cherry tomato, seasonal pickle veggie, onion and cilantro. \r\n\r\n##Spring Mix Salad 配自家製沙拉醬(薑、 蒜、白醋、芝麻油)。 餐項中包含櫻桃番茄、時令泡菜、洋蔥和香菜。
    • Fried Squid Legs 酥炸魷魚腿

      Deep Fried Squid Legs with Homemade Mayo Sriracha (Mild Spicy).\r\n\r\n## 現炸魷魚腿, 配自家製是拉差沙律醬 (微辣)
    • Sweet Potato Fires 炸蕃薯條

      Deep Fried Sweet Potato Fries with Homemade Mayo Sriracha (Mild Spicy).\r\n\r\n## 現炸蕃薯條, 配自家製是拉差蛋黃醬 (微辣)
    • Basil Lime Wings 九層塔青檸雞翼

      Deep Fried Chicken Wings & Drumsticks with Basil Lime Flavor (Required at least 10-15 minutes wait time)\r\n\r\n##九層塔青檸風味現炸雞翅及雞上脾 (需時最少10-15分鐘)
    • Viet. Fish Sauce Wings 越香魚露雞翼

      Deep Fried Chicken Wings & Drumsticks with Vietnamese Fish Sauce (Required at least 10-15 minutes wait time)\r\n\r\n## 現炸雞翅及雞上脾, 配以越式魚露醬 (需時最少10-15分鐘)
    • Salt & Pepper Wings 椒鹽雞翼

      Deep Fried Chicken Wings & Drumsticks with Salt & Pepper Flavor (Required at least 10-15 minutes wait time)\r\n\r\n##椒鹽現炸雞翅及雞上脾 (需時最少10-15分鐘)
    • Salt & Pepper Tofu A7. 椒鹽豆腐

      Salt & Pepper Style Tofu Cubes with Homemade Nuoc Cham Sauce\r\n\r\n## 椒鹽豆腐粒配自家製泰式魚露醬
    • Fried Veggie Imperial Roll 炸素春卷 (4條)

      Deep Fried Veggie Rolls with Homemade Nuoc Cham Sauce\r\n\r\n## 炸素春卷配自家製泰式魚露醬
    • Basil Popcorn Chicken A9. 九層塔鹽酥雞

    • Grilled Fatty Pork Shoulder 炭燒肥美豬頸肉

      Thai Style Grilled Fatty Pork Shoulder (Sliced) with Homemade Thai Fish Sauce. \r\n\r\n## 泰式炭燒蜜香豬頸肉, 香口肥美, 配自家製泰式魚露.
    • Roti Curry 咖喱薄餅

      Roti with Homemade Thai Curry (Contain Coconut Milk & Green Onion)\r\n\r\n## Roti 薄餅配自家製咖喱醬 (含椰奶及洋蔥)
    • Roti Laksa 叻沙薄餅

      Roti with Homemade Laksa Sauce (Contain Peanut & Mild Spicy & Green Onion)\r\n\r\n## Roti 薄餅配自家製喇沙醬 (含花生,微辣及洋蔥)
    • Papaya Salad (W/ Peanut) 青木瓜沙律 (含花生)

      Green papaya salad with thai basil & mint choice of shrimps or beef, (This item contained Peanut)\r\n\r\n##青木瓜沙拉, 可以選擇搭配鮮蝦或者牛肉 (此餐項含花生)
    • Thai Stew Pork Knuckle 泰式帶骨豬手

    • Salt & Pepper Fish Fillet 椒鹽魚塊

    • Thai Crispy Eggplant Strips (V 泰式炸茄條

      Crispy eggplant strips drizzled with a tangy sauce, offering a crunchy texture and a savory taste.
  • Noodles Soup

    • Pho Combo N1. 特別牛肉粉

      Rare Steak, Shank, Tendon, Tripe, Meatball (Served chopped cilantro, and green onions, fresh & fried onions , basil & beansprouts.) \r\n\r\n## 含生牛肉, 牛展, 牛筋, 牛栢葉, 牛丸 (配料包含芫茜, 青蔥, 生/炸洋蔥, 熟芽菜, 九層塔)
    • Beef Pho N2. 牛肉粉

      Choose up to 3 items:\r\nRare Steak, Shank, Tendon, Tripe, Meatball (Served chopped cilantro, and green onions, fresh & fried onions , basil & beansprouts.) \r\n\r\n## 自選以下三款: 生牛肉, 牛展, 牛筋, 牛栢葉, 牛丸 (配料包含芫茜, 青蔥, 生/炸洋蔥, 熟芽菜, 九層塔)
    • Bun Bo Hue N3. 香辣牛肉粉

      Cooked Premium Sliced Ribeye, Shank, Tendon, Tripe, Meatball, Vietnamese Sausage (Served chopped cilantro, onions, basil & beansprouts.)\r\n\r\n## 含熟牛肋眼片, 牛展, 牛筋, 牛栢葉, 牛丸, 扎肉 (配料包含芫茜, 洋蔥, 熟芽菜, 九層塔)
    • Lemongrass Chicken Noodle N4. 香茅雞湯粉

      Include:Lemongrass Chicken w/ Brocoli in Chicken Soup\r\n(Served chopped cilantro, and green onions, fresh & fried onions , basil & beansprouts.) \r\n##包含香茅雞, 西蘭花配雞湯\r\n(配料包含芫茜, 青蔥, 生/炸洋蔥, 熟芽菜 & 九層塔)
    • Seafood Noodle N5. 海鮮粉

      Include:Shrimp, Calamari, Scallop, Fish Ball, Crab Stick, Mussels in Chicken Soup\r\n(Served chopped cilantro, and green onions, fresh & fried onions , basil & beansprouts.) \r\n##包含蝦, 魷魚, 帶子, 魚蛋, 蟹柳, 青口配雞湯\r\n(配料包含芫茜, 青蔥, 生/炸洋蔥, 熟芽菜 & 九層塔)
    • Vegetable Noodle N6. 蔬菜粉

      Vegetable noodle soup available in regular or large size, featuring assorted fresh vegetables and tender noodles in a savory broth.
    • Tomato Crab Meat Noodle N7. 蕃茄蟹肉粉

      Include:Shrimp, Fried Tofu, Vietnamese Sausage, Ground Pork & Crab Meat in Tomato Crab Soup\r\nTopped with Cilantro & Onion, Cooked Beansprout & Basil, \r\nLime & Jalapeno on the side\r\n##包含鮮蝦,炸豆腐,扎肉, 豬肉碎 & 蟹肉配番茄蟹湯\r\n湯粉會包含芫茜, 洋蔥, 熟芽菜 & 九層塔, \r\n青檸跟辣椒會另上
    • Shrimp Laksa Noodle N8. 鮮蝦喇沙

      Signature! Coconut Milk, Peanut, Laksa Soup w/ Fried Tofu, Soft-Boiled Egg, Fish ball & Shrimp (Served chopped cilantro, onions, basil & beansprouts.) \r\n\r\n## 招牌推介! 新鮮香料, 自家調製椰香花生喇沙湯底, 配溏心蛋, 魚蛋,炸豆腐及鮮蝦. (配料包含芫茜, 洋蔥, 熟芽菜, 九層塔)
    • Seafood Laksa Noodle N8. 海鮮喇沙

      Include:Shrimp, Calamari, Scallop, Fish Ball, Crab Stick, Mussels, fried tofu, Soft Egg in Laksa soup base\r\n(Served chopped cilantro, and fresh & fried onions , basil & beansprouts.) \r\n##包含蝦, 魷魚, 帶子, 魚蛋, 蟹柳, 青口, 溏心蛋, 炸豆腐配自家調製椰香花生喇沙湯底\r\n(配料包含芫茜, 生/炸洋蔥, 熟芽菜 & 九層塔)
    • Vegetable Laksa Noodle N8. 蔬菜喇沙

      Include:Seasonal Vegetable, steamed tofu, Soft Egg in Laksa soup base ( " Not Vegetarian" ) \r\nTopped with chopped Cilantro & Onion, Cooked Beansprout & Basil, Lime & Jalapeno on the side \r\n##時令蔬菜&水煮豆腐 鹵水蛋,喇沙湯底\r\n湯粉會包含芫茜, 洋蔥, 熟芽菜 & 九層塔, \r\n青檸跟辣椒會另上
    • Lemongrass Chk Laksa Soup N8. 香茅雞喇沙

      Include:Lemongrass Chicken, Fried Tofu, Fish Ball & Soft Egg in Laksa Soup\r\nTopped with Cilantro & Onion, Cooked Beansprout & Basil, \r\nLime & Jalapeno on the side\r\n##包含香茅雞,炸豆腐, 魚蛋, 鹵水蛋配喇沙湯\r\n湯粉會包含芫茜, 洋蔥, 熟芽菜 & 九層塔, \r\n青檸跟辣椒會另上
    • Thai Boat Noodle N9. 泰式船粉

      Contains Shrimp, Fish Ball, Meatball, Ground Pork, Quail Egg, Cook Steak, Vietnamese Sausage with Thin Rice Noodle (Served chopped cilantro, onions, basil & beansprouts.)\r\n\r\n## 含鮮蝦, 魚蛋, 牛丸, 豬肉碎, 鵪鶉蛋, 熟牛肋眼片, 扎肉, 米粉 (配料包含芫茜, 洋蔥, 熟芽菜, 九層塔)
    • Thai Tom Yum Noodle N10. 泰式椰香冬蔭公湯米

      Include:Shrimp, Fish Ball, Straw Mushroom, Baby Corn, Tomato, Coconut Milk in Thai Tom Yum Soup Base\r\n(Served chopped cilantro, and fresh & fried onions , basil & beansprouts.) \r\n##包含蝦, 魚蛋, 蘑菇, 粟米仔, 蕃茄, 椰奶\r\n(配料包含芫茜,生/炸洋蔥, 熟芽菜 & 九層塔)
    • Thai Street Noodle Soup N13. 泰式路邊湯米

      Contains Shrimp, Fish Ball, Meatball, Ground Pork, Quail Egg, Cook Steak, Vietnamese Sausage with Thin Rice Noodle (Served chopped cilantro, onions, fried garlic, basil & beansprouts.)\r\n\r\n## 含鮮蝦, 魚蛋, 牛丸, 豬肉碎, 鵪鶉蛋, 熟牛肋眼片, 扎肉及米粉 (配料包含芫茜, 洋蔥, 熟芽菜, 九層塔, 炸蒜)
  • BBQ Special

    • Premium BBQ Combo B10. 特選燒烤什錦

      Served with Premium Satay Sliced Beef, Grilled Honey Pork Shoulder, Lemongrass Chicken, BBQ Shrimp, Sunnyside Egg with Homemade Thai Fish Sauce. It's contained Peanut if you chose Rice Vermicelli(Required 15-20 Minutes wait)\r\n\r\n## 內含沙嗲牛肉片, 泰式蜜香豬頸肉, 香茅雞腿肉, 香烤蝦, 太陽蛋配自家製泰式魚露. 如選凍米線, 內含花生. (需時約15-20分鐘)
    • Lemongrass Chicken B1. 香茅雞扒

      Served with Greens Salad & Homemade Salad Dressing OR Steamed Veggies. Pickled Carrots & Seasonal Veggie, Veggie Imperial Roll, Homemade Nuoc Cham Sauce, Homemade Jalapeno Sauce. (It's contained Peanut if you chose Rice Vermicelli)
    • Crispy Lemongrass Chicken B2. 炸香茅雞扒

      Served with Greens Salad & Homemade Salad Dressing OR Steamed Veggies. Pickled Carrots & Seasonal Veggie, Veggie Imperial Roll, Homemade Nuoc Cham Sauce, Homemade Jalapeno Sauce. (It's contained Peanut if you chose Rice Vermicelli)
    • Grilled 5 Spice Pork Chop B3. 烤焗五香豬扒

      Served with Greens Salad & Homemade Salad Dressing OR Steamed Veggies. Pickled Carrots & Seasonal Veggie, Veggie Imperial Roll, Homemade Nuoc Cham Sauce, Homemade Jalapeno Sauce. (It's contained Peanut if you chose Rice Vermicelli)
    • Amazing Basil Pork W/ Rice B4. 泰式打拋豬飯配太陽蛋

      Served with Greens Salad, Pickled Carrot & Seasonal Veggie, Veggie Imperial Roll, Homemade Nuoc Cham Sauce, Homemade Jalapeno Sauce & Homemade Salad Dressing.\r\n\r\n## 以香料打拋葉, 辛香料與豬肉拌炒而成的泰式國民美食. 配以素春卷, 絲苗白飯及太陽旦, 更添美味.
    • Amazing Chili Ribeye B5. 香辣牛肋眼條

      Served with Greens Salad & Homemade Salad Dressing OR Steamed Veggies. Pickled Carrots & Seasonal Veggie, Veggie Imperial Roll, Homemade Nuoc Cham Sauce, Homemade Jalapeno Sauce. (It's contained Peanut if you chose Rice Vermicelli) (Cold Dishes)
    • Grilled Satay Sliced Beef B6. 特級沙嗲牛肉片

      Served with Greens Salad & Homemade Salad Dressing OR Steamed Veggies. Pickled Carrots & Seasonal Veggie, Veggie Imperial Roll, Homemade Nuoc Cham Sauce, Homemade Jalapeno Sauce. (It's contained Peanut if you chose Rice Vermicelli)
    • Grilled Lemongrass Prawns B7. 特式香茅蝦

      Served with Greens Salad & Homemade Salad Dressing OR Steamed Veggies. Pickled Carrots & Seasonal Veggie, Veggie Imperial Roll, Homemade Nuoc Cham Sauce, Homemade Jalapeno Sauce. (It's contained Peanut if you chose Rice Vermicelli)
    • Fried Salt & Pepper Tofu B8. 椒鹽豆腐粒

      Served with Greens Salad & Homemade Salad Dressing OR Steamed Veggies. Pickled Carrots & Seasonal Veggie, Veggie Imperial Roll, Homemade Nuoc Cham Sauce, Homemade Jalapeno Sauce. (It's contained Peanut if you chose Rice Vermicelli)
    • Crispy Fish Filet B9. 酥炸魚柳

      Served with Greens Salad & Homemade Salad Dressing OR Steamed Veggies. Pickled Carrots & Seasonal Veggie, Veggie Imperial Roll, Homemade Nuoc Cham Sauce, Homemade Jalapeno Sauce. (It's contained Peanut if you chose Rice Vermicelli)
  • Amazing Thai Curry

    • Thai Massaman Rice W/CrispyChk 泰式馬沙文咖喱炸雞飯

      Thai Massaman Coconut Curry (Contain Onion & Sweet Potato) with Jasmine Rice, Steamed Veggies & Sunnyside up Egg. (Cut upon resquest)\r\n\r\n## 泰式馬沙文咖喱 (含洋葱及蕃薯) 配絲苗白飯, 時令蔬菜及太陽旦.
    • Thai Massaman Rice W/ Chicken 泰式馬沙文咖喱烤雞飯

      Thai Massaman Coconut Curry (Contain Onion & Sweet Potato) with Jasmine Rice, Steamed Veggies & Sunnyside up Egg.\r\n\r\n## 泰式馬沙文咖喱 (含洋葱及蕃薯) 配絲苗白飯, 時令蔬菜及太陽旦.
    • Thai Massaman Rice B. Brisket 泰式馬沙文咖喱牛腩飯

      Thai Massaman Coconut Curry (Contain Onion & Sweet Potato) with Jasmine Rice, Steamed Veggies & Sunnyside up Egg.\r\n\r\n## 泰式馬沙文咖喱 (含洋葱及蕃薯) 配絲苗白飯, 時令蔬菜及太陽旦.
    • Thai Massaman Rice W/Pork Chop 泰式馬沙文咖喱豬扒飯

      Thai Massaman Coconut Curry (Contain Onion & Sweet Potato) with Jasmine Rice, Steamed Veggies & Sunnyside up Egg.\r\n\r\n## 泰式馬沙文咖喱 (含洋葱及蕃薯) 配絲苗白飯, 時令蔬菜及太陽旦.
    • Thai Massaman Rice W/ Shrimp 泰式馬沙文咖喱蝦飯

      Thai Massaman Coconut Curry (Contain Onion & Sweet Potato) with Jasmine Rice, Steamed Veggies & Sunnyside up Egg.\r\n\r\n## 泰式馬沙文咖喱 (含洋葱及蕃薯) 配絲苗白飯, 時令蔬菜及太陽旦.
    • Thai Massaman Rice W/ Tofu 泰式馬沙文咖喱豆腐飯

      Thai Massaman Coconut Curry (Contain Onion & Sweet Potato) with Jasmine Rice, Steamed Veggies & Sunnyside up Egg.\r\n\r\n## 泰式馬沙文咖喱 (含洋葱及蕃薯) 配絲苗白飯, 時令蔬菜及太陽旦.
    • ThaiMassaman Rice W/CrispyFish 泰式馬沙文咖喱炸魚柳飯

      Thai Massaman Coconut Curry (Contain Onion & Sweet Potato) with Jasmine Rice, Steamed Veggies & Sunnyside up Egg.\r\n\r\n## 泰式馬沙文咖喱 (含洋葱及蕃薯) 配絲苗白飯, 時令蔬菜及太陽旦.
  • Amazing Vegan

    • Vegan Green Thai 綠泰茶 (素)

      A layered vegan green Thai milk tea with distinct green tea flavors.
    • Vegan Thai Tea 泰茶 (素)

      Aromatic Thai tea infused with spices and sweetened with vegan-friendly ingredients.
    • Thai Crispy Eggplant Strips (V 泰式炸茄條

      Crispy eggplant strips seasoned with spices and drizzled with a tangy sauce.
    • Vegan Chicken Drumstick (5) 素雞鎚 (5件)

      Five crispy vegan chicken drumsticks served with a side of tangy sauce.
    • Vegan Thai Chili Shrimp Salad 泰式酸辣蝦沙律 (素)

      A medley of mixed greens topped with vegan shrimp, drizzled with Thai chili dressing, and sprinkled with crushed peanuts.
    • Vegan Shrimp Laksa Noodle Soup 素蝦喇沙

      A rich coconut curry broth with vegan shrimp, rice noodles, bean sprouts, and topped with fresh herbs.
    • Vegan Thai Basil Beef Rice 素打拋牛肉飯

      Savory plant-based beef with Thai basil, served over rice with a side of shredded carrots and fresh herbs.
    • Vegan Vegetable Laksa 素蔬菜喇沙

      Include:Seasonal Vegetable, steamed tofu, vegan Laksa soup base. Topped with chopped Cilantro & Onion, Cooked Beansprout & Basil, Lime & Jalapeno upon request.\r\n\r\n##時令蔬菜, 水煮豆腐, 素喇沙湯底. 湯粉包含芫茜, 洋蔥, 熟芽菜 & 九層塔, 如需青檸及辣椒, 請向職員查詢.
    • Vegan Thai Massaman Tofu Rice (素) 泰式馬沙文咖喱豆腐飯

      Thai Massaman Coconut Curry (Contain Onion & Sweet Potato) with Jasmine Rice, Steamed Veggies & Veggie Egg.\r\n\r\nDue to a delivery delay, we're temporarily offering Vegan Imperial Roll in place of Vegan Egg.\r\n\r\n## 泰式馬沙文咖喱 (含洋葱及蕃薯) 配絲苗白飯, 時令蔬菜及素食太陽旦.
    • Vegan Thai Basil Tofu Rice 素打拋豆腐飯配素太陽旦

      Due to a delivery delay, we're temporarily offering Vegan Imperial Roll in place of Vegan Egg.\r\n\r\n##由於交貨延遲,我們暫時提供炸素春卷代替純素蛋。
  • Bunh Mi Combo

    • Lemongrass Chk Banh Mi + Drink 香茅雞越南包 + 飲品

      Banh Mi Served w/ Greens, Cilantro, Pickled Carrots & Seasonal Veggie, Homemade Jalapeno Sauce & Salad Dressing, Maggi & Mayonnaise. Combo Set comes w/ A Cup Of Drinks & Shrimp Chips. (Take 10-15min) ##麵包配沙律,芫茜,泡菜,自家製青辣椒醬,美极酱油,蛋黃醬,套餐配有一杯飲品跟蝦片(需時約10-15 分鐘)
    • Pork Chop Banh Mi + Drink 五香豬扒越南包 + 飲品

      Banh Mi Served w/ Greens, Cilantro, Pickled Carrots & Seasonal Veggie, Homemade Jalapeno Sauce & Salad Dressing, Maggi & Mayonnaise. Combo Set comes w/ A Cup Of Drinks & Shrimp Chips. (Take 10-15min) ##麵包配沙律,芫茜,泡菜,自家製青辣椒醬,美极酱油,蛋黃醬,套餐配有一杯飲品跟蝦片(需時約10-15 分鐘)
    • Sata Sliced Beef BanhMi +Drink 特級沙嗲牛肉片越南包 + 飲品

      Banh Mi Served w/ Greens, Cilantro, Pickled Carrots & Seasonal Veggie, Homemade Jalapeno Sauce & Salad Dressing, Maggi & Mayonnaise. Combo Set comes w/ A Cup Of Drinks & Shrimp Chips. (Take 10-15min) ##麵包配沙律,芫茜,泡菜,自家製青辣椒醬,美极酱油,蛋黃醬,套餐配有一杯飲品跟蝦片(需時約10-15 分鐘)
    • Chili Ribeye Banh Mi + Drink 泰式酸辣牛肉越南包 + 飲品

      Banh Mi Served w/ Greens, Cilantro, Pickled Carrots & Seasonal Veggie, Homemade Jalapeno Sauce & Salad Dressing, Maggi & Mayonnaise. Combo Set comes w/ A Cup Of Drinks & Shrimp Chips. (Take 10-15min) ##麵包配沙律,芫茜,泡菜,自家製青辣椒醬,美极酱油,蛋黃醬,套餐配有一杯飲品跟蝦片(需時約10-15 分鐘)
    • Curry Shrimp Banh Mi + Drink 東南亞咖喱蝦越南包 + 飲品

      Banh Mi Served w/ Greens, Cilantro, Pickled Carrots & Seasonal Veggie, Homemade Jalapeno Sauce & Salad Dressing, Maggi & Mayonnaise. Combo Set comes w/ A Cup Of Drinks & Shrimp Chips. (Take 10-15min) ##麵包配沙律,芫茜,泡菜,自家製青辣椒醬,美极酱油,蛋黃醬,套餐配有一杯飲品跟蝦片(需時約10-15 分鐘)
    • Pepper Tofu Banh Mi + Drink 椒鹽豆腐越南包 + 飲品

      Banh Mi Served w/ Greens, Cilantro, Pickled Carrots & Seasonal Veggie, Homemade Jalapeno Sauce & Salad Dressing, Maggi & Mayonnaise. Combo Set comes w/ A Cup Of Drinks & Shrimp Chips. (Take 10-15min) ##麵包配沙律,芫茜,泡菜,自家製青辣椒醬,美极酱油,蛋黃醬,套餐配有一杯飲品跟蝦片(需時約10-15 分鐘)
    • Crispy Chicken Banh Mi + Drink 炸雞越南包 + 飲品

      Banh Mi Served w/ Greens, Cilantro, Pickled Carrots & Seasonal Veggie, Homemade Jalapeno Sauce & Salad Dressing, Maggi & Mayonnaise. Combo Set comes w/ Can Drink & Shrimp Chips. (Take 10-15min) ##麵包配沙律,芫茜,泡菜,自家製青辣椒醬,美极酱油,蛋黃醬,套餐配有一罐汽水跟蝦片(需時約10-15 分鐘)
    • CrispyFish Filet Banh Mi+Drink 酥炸魚柳越南包 + 飲品

      Banh Mi Served w/ Greens, Cilantro, Pickled Carrots & Seasonal Veggie, Homemade Jalapeno Sauce & Salad Dressing, Maggi & Mayonnaise. Combo Set comes w/ Can Drink & Shrimp Chips. (Take 10-15min) ##麵包配沙律,芫茜,泡菜,自家製青辣椒醬,美极酱油,蛋黃醬,套餐配有一罐汽水跟蝦片(需時約10-15 分鐘)
  • Sides

    • Pho Noodle Soup Only 淨越南粉連湯

      Vietnamese Pho broth with tender rice noodles, garnished with fresh herbs.
    • Meatball In Soup 牛丸湯

      Savory broth with tender beef meatballs, a comforting side dish.
    • Jasmine Rice 白飯

      Steamed jasmine rice, fragrant and long-grained, serving as a versatile side dish.
    • Fried Egg 太陽蛋

      A sunny-side-up egg with a crispy edge and a runny yolk, simply seasoned.
    • Fried Veg. Imperial Roll (1PC) 炸春卷 (1條)

      Crispy golden spring roll filled with a mix of seasoned vegetables.
    • Garlic Noodle 蒜蓉麵

      Stir-fried noodles tossed with minced garlic and a blend of Asian seasonings.
    • Spicy Garlic Noodle 辣蒜麵

      Stir-fried noodles tossed with garlic and a spicy sauce, garnished with fresh herbs.
    • Black Pepper Garlic Noodle 黑椒炒蒜蓉麵

    • Fried Vegan Egg 素食太陽蛋

  • Boba Drinks

    • S1 Organic Ancient Black MT

      Also available for Jasmine Jade or Heavy Oolong with sweet boba. *** Order placed in 11am will be serve with Agar Boba instead. ***
    • S2 Seasalt Cheese Jasmine Jade

      Also available for Ancient Black or Heavy Oolong
    • S3 Golden Violet

      Golden Passion Fruit Jam with Organic Jasmine Green Tea, and Butterfly Pea Tea on the Top.
    • S4 Strawberry Uji Matcha Latte

      Supreme Uji Matcha with our Homemade Strawberry Jam is #1
    • S5 Creme Brulee Oolong MT

      Also available for Ancient Black or Jasmine Jade or Milk only
    • S6 Super Fruit Jasmine

      Seasonal Fruits with Organic Jasmine Tea. Tasty & Refresh.
    • S7 Green Thai W/ Boba

      You must try this if you like the Original Thai Tea. It tastes special. Prefect match with sweet boba. \r\n*** Order placed in 11am will be serve with Agar Boba instead. ***
    • S8 Mango Smoothie Pearl

      Homemade Organic Mango Pulp with Chewy Agar Boba.
    • S9 Taro Smoothie

      Flavorful Taro diced with Heavy Cream & Homemade Sea Salt Cheese Cream
    • S10 Twins Berry Jasmine

      Sweet Strawberry and Blueberry blended with Organic Jasmine GT
    • S11 Pineapple Jasmine

      Juicy Golden Pineapple diced blended with Organic Jasmine GT
    • S12 Amazing 3 Bros

      Organic Anicent Black Fresh Milk Tea with Boba, Grass Jelly & Egg Pudding. **** Order placed in 11am will be serve with Agar Boba instead.
    • S13 Thai Tea W/ Boba

      Traditional Thai Tea with heavy cream & sweet boba. *** Order placed in 11am will be serve with Agar Boba instead. ***
    • S14 Wake Up Coffee

      Very Strong Slow Drip Coffee. Mixed with few types coffee bean & condensed milk.
    • S15 Ocean

      Yakult with savory lime juice and Butterfly Pea Tea on the Top
    • S16 Wake Up On The Grass

      Supreme Uji Matcha Latte with Homemade Vietnamese Coffee
    • S17 Decaf B.Sugar Creme Brulee

      Decaf brown sugar bubble tea with a creme brulee top. Choose ice from full to none and sugar level to taste.
    • S18 Decaf Twins Berry

      Decaf bubble tea with twin berry infusion. Customize sweetness: 100% to unsweetened.
    • S19 Decaf Pineapple Smoothie

      Decaf pineapple smoothie with customizable sugar levels from no sugar to full sweetness.
    • S20 Organic Red Bean MT

      Organic Ancient Black Fresh Milk Tea with Red Bean
    • S21 Red Bean Uji Matcha Latte

      Supreme Uji Matcha Latte with Red Bean
    • S22 Mango Uji Matcha Latte

      Supreme Uji Matcha Latte with Homemade Organic Mango Pulp
    • S23 Mango Creme Brulee

      Homemade Organic Mango Pulp w/ Homemade Cream Brulee & Milk
  • Can Drinks

    • Coke

      The cold, refreshing, sparkling classic that America loves.
    • Diet Coke

      A crisp, refreshing taste you know and love with zero calories.
    • Sprite

      The cold, refreshing flavors of lemon and lime, perfectly blended.
  • Moshi Sparkling Drinks

    • Lychee Oolong Tea

      Sparkling oolong tea infused with the sweet essence of lychee fruit.
    • White Grape Oolong Tea

      A refreshing blend of oolong tea infused with the essence of white grape.
    • White Peach Yuzu

      Effervescent drink featuring the delicate sweetness of white peach and the citrusy tang of yuzu.

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