For Businesses
Agoongyi (아궁이)
Agoongyi (아궁이) Menu
Inside of the H-Mart, 19555 Fraser Hwy, Surrey, BC V3S 6K7
"Meals (식사)"
"Cuisine (요리)"
"Meals (식사)"
Short Rib Soup (갈비탕)
Spicy Beef Soup (육개장)
Dried Pollack Soup (황태해장국)
Beef Tendon Soup (도가니탕)
Seafood And Soft Tofu Stew (해물순두부)
Ox Bone Soup (설렁탕)
Kimchi Stew (김치찌개)
Bibimbab (비빔밥)
Bulgogi (소불고기)
comes with rice and kimchi
Stir Fried Spicy Pork (제육덮밥)
Beef Short Rib (LA 갈비)
Ox Tail Soup (꼬리곰탕)
Assorted Soup (모둠탕)
(ox tail/ beef tendon/ beef brisket)
Hot Pot Bulgogi (뚝배기 불고기)
"Cuisine (요리)"
Seafood Pancake (해물파전)
Boiled Beef Tendon - M (도가니수육 - M)
Boiled Beef Tendon -L (도가니수육 - L)
Boiled Beef Brisket -M (차돌박이수육 - M)
Boiled Beef Brisket -L (차돌박이수육 - L)
Assorted Beef In Stone -M (모듬수육 - M)
Assorted Beef In Stone -L (모듬수육 - L)
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