XI YUE HUI HOT POT One of the best AYCE hot pot restaurants in Brooklyn! We are launching our seafood special hot pots now in Brooklyn and welcoming everyone to try our delicious broth and freshest seafood! Starts at 58.95/ per, you can enjoy live seafood as many as you want. 禧悦会海鲜自助火锅 我们隆重入驻布鲁克林,即日起招待我们尊贵的客人们! 游水虾,扇贝,海螺,鲍鱼,生鱼片刺身等等应有尽有! 每客只需58.95,您可以享受美味新鲜的海鲜们。 自助火锅,无限海鲜,尽在禧悦会。