我们花都影音是一家专注于KTV和家庭影院系统的设计与安装,卡拉OK影音设备,背景音乐和会议系统,以及舞台音响和灯光解决方案。凭借丰富的历史经验,我们以质量、可靠性和客户满意度著称。我们是以对音乐、歌唱和音响技术的热爱为基础而成立。我们邀请您与我们一起体验这份热爱!欢迎到我们店里体验一下。 We specializes in KTV and home theater system design and installation, karaoke audiovisual equipment, background music and conference systems, and stage sound and lighting solutions. With a rich history of providing tailored audiovisual experiences, we stand out for our commitment to quality, reliability, and customer satisfaction. Our company is founded on a passion for music, singing, and sound technology. We invite you to experience this passion with us! Visit us today.